RT @BlondHousewife #Gold & #oil soar 2 new heights as #inflation fears mount_Welcome 2 the '70s w/o Donna Summer http://bit.ly/eLM3gK #tcot
RT @Bellanieve: RT @Cubachi
Allen West: If the government shuts down, it's because of Senate Democrats http://t.co/rF5RGgs #tcot #p2
I'm getting dizzy from all the spin. #tcot
RT @CMDeB Breaking: sense being made on Hardball. (by Mark Halperin) ~I saw glimmers of the same on Charlie Rose_in between cow patties #odd
RT @Heritage: Calorie counts are about to be stuffed down your throat! Would you like a soda or candy bar with that? http://herit.ag/FmV
RT @_AtlasShrugged: New Atlas Shrugged #Movie theaters in AL CA HI KS MS NC OK NY RI TN TX UT WA announced. More to come. http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @southsalem: RT @JoAnneMoretti: LOL. RT.@dcseth @jimgeraghty Same party that fled #WI & IN 2shut down state now say a govt shutdown w ...
RT @indyrallen: RT @imsure Rep. Allen West: Schumer, Reid ‘Have Dug Their Heels In’ Don’t Want To Hear Budget Solutions http://is.gd/3LfwyI
RT @kesgardner: Rasmussen: by 64-24 (that close?), Americans think they're overtaxed. 59% say the public should vote to approve any tax ...
RT @amandacarpenter: Amazing to see the people who hated Sarah Palin for saying "death panels" are quick to use the term "death trap" to ...
RT @stephenkruiser @nikkihaley Get excited! Today, we celebrated a big win for patients & taxpayers! http://bit.ly/hIO4T6 #sctweets #tcot
RT @itsonlywords: I use 5 gallon Home Depot buckets with holes drilled in the bottom for tomatoes; 15" dia pots for peppers; 12" dia pot ...
RT @itsonlywords: @zpetersen I think 1 gal pots would work for lettuce, one per pot.
RT @MelissaTweets: MT @davidhauptmann: ..15 Senate Dems have said they have problems w/ EPA regulating carbon. only 4 vote to stop it? h ...
RT @WSJopinion: The Ryan Resolution: The most serious attempt to reform government in a generation. http://on.wsj.com/ifwHuZ
RT @tnfiredup: Traditional Americans/Tea Partiers/912er's, all-Hold fast, keep pressure on & continue 2 change politics-No compromising!
RT @Senate_GOPs: RT @RoyBlunt: Proud to vote to repeal 1099 mandate today, which is first major step toward dismantling #ObamaCare.
RT @tnfiredup: WOO HOO-love this response re: Islam & Sharia law in US-GO CAIN! http://youtu.be/aDXCwd65R5o Time 2 stand our ground!
RT @pauline_ma: @SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader Don't fear MSM. They had power in 1996 now we have @foxnews for the truth. #tcot
RT @AlieGirl7: Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. ~
Ron ...
RT @TheNewsBlotter @BrianRoss #FBI Director Says US 'On Guard' Against Possible #Libya #Terror Attacks http://is.gd/FHl31l #news #tcot #mil
RT @DIY_Home_Tips: DIY Home Tips"Tips On Ceramic Floor Tiles" http://su.pr/1YqPIR #diy #home #home improvement #do it yourself #carpets ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Thnx @moeursalen for RT! re: #Libya: http://bit.ly/eEChT1 al-Qaeda ‘receive looted Libyan weapons’ #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp ...
If you buy at 1st blush, everything you hear about a #Palin, please, grow up a little. #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tsot
RT @opphoto: #Gold hits record high of $1,458.50; #Silver at a 39 year high of $39.48 an ounce. $$ #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @PatriotsUSA: #Gold hits all-time high again in anticipation of #obama - carter #inflation http://reut.rs/dOrZf5 #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @KatiePavlich: hey peeps, this is pretty darn important http://ow.ly/4uHRx #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @TPO_Hisself: If we are going to sweep the bums out of office in NOV, we need to start registering voters now!! http://is.gd/bEXOL #tcot
RT @SarahPalinLinks: (via US4Palin) Horror: Bristol Palin Earns Honest Money for Honest Work http://bit.ly/eMjJnb @sarahpalinusa
RT @Jenevalynne: @rsmccain not yet, recount, and lots of investigating already begun.,...
RT @USAHipster: Glenn Beck: Interesting how Socialists push away Christians yet align with Muslims. You Betcha! #tcot #p2
RT @ladynchesapeake: #p2 types are idiots. Fox didn't FIRE #GlennBeck.They are becoming partners w/him. He will have more freedom. http: ...
RT @jamiedupree: Senate votes 100-0 to block federal unemployment benefits to people who make more than a million dollars a year
RT @kesgardner: Ryan: "Americans are ready for honest talk, they're ready to be spoken to like adults, they're ready for a fact based co ...
RT @fluchtling: Alan Grayson scare tactics is all #Dems got - "#GOP starve & kill poor, elderly, & children" Same 'ol pathetic chant get ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @BreakingNews FAA to review standards for older aircraft after fuselage tear in Southwest Airlines jet - latimes ...
RT @GenRachel: Fox is changing slowly into 'election' mode. Quite evident. Are you all ready? Cuz my friends.. we are there.. And our no ...
I dont see what the Left is crowing so much about @GlennBeck, now he'll have more time to get good people elected #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @terraM: Oh crap. Why did I get on 285? ..... errrrrr, prolly coz yer tweetin ...... jus maybe..... ;-)
RT @kesgardner: @KY_Headhuntr I know. The large percentage of Americans who don't pay fed income taxes is a huge fiscal, moral, & politi ...
RT @stacyhyatt: RT @owendbanks: Everybody tweet @NancyPelosi and ask her if gas prices are high now because we have two oil men in the w ...
RT @MelissaTweets: 204 Votes. Fraud? Noooooo. #Wi http://bit.ly/heLc8l #news #wisconsin #tcot #truethevote #wigop
RT @PajamasMedia @PJTatler [VIDEO] John Fund: Recount in #WI may resemble Florida in 2000 http://bit.ly/f7C7gf #tcot plz RT #news #wisconsin
RT @activistnews: Obama on high gas prices: Get used to them... http://yhoo.it/e7tp5L
RT @OBAMA_CZAR: #Obama's weakness makes his liberal domestic policies more vulnerable than they otherwise would be. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc
RT @jolene_blalock: #tcot Pawlenty Exploratory Committee Consultant Arrested for Doing a Little Too Much Exploring http://ow.ly/1c4lBx
RT @DanRiehl @instapundit SHREDDING BALLOTS IN #WISCONSIN? If true, this is a big deal http://bit.ly/hn26Ff #news #tcot #truethevote #wigop
not so fast, #progstains.. SHREDDING BALLOTS IN #WISCONSIN? If true, this is a big deal http://bit.ly/hn26Ff #news #tcot #truethevote #wigop
@terraM just messin w/ya....
@stagestop not so fast, #progstains ~SHREDDING VOTES IN #WISCONSIN? If true_this is a big deal http://bit.ly/hn26Ff #news #tcot #p2 #wigop
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin to Appear in Point Clear, Alabama on May 3rd http://bit.ly/eY5z6t #tcot #palin
RT @Kriskxx: Ann Coulter 4 yrs, Dems have bn using taxpayer $$ so that their buddies in public sector unions nevr have 2 know when thr's ...
RT @kesgardner: Developing LSM narrative will blame shutdown on the "tea party." Not the Dems who didn't pass a budget when THEY contro ...
RT @gadsdenista: God bless! RT @AFWife32: @GarySinise Please ReTweet , it's my birthday and my husband is deployed! Help make a lonely A ...
RT @terresamonroe: #g8m Frances Piven and SEIU’s Steve Lerner, Working Together to Recruit Youth at National Teach in http://is.gd/uQwumd
#beckreplacements . . . @andrewbreitbart & any progressive standing in line at a Starbucks #tcot #teaparty
RT @BobbyDank: Majority of iFund startups now also developing for Android http://bit.ly/fUk5b6 #apple #mac
RT @debster7301: RT @foxnation: Wisconsin Voter Fraud Haunts Razor-Thin Supreme Court Election http://bit.ly/gS2lRJ
RT @Kriskxx: Sickest patients neglected as doctors focus on waiting list targets / http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ #tcot #p2 coming #obamaca ...
RT @OneVeritas: RT @jmattbarber: Did Obama 'miss' 1 year of Columbia classes?: Discrepancy appears in sparse records documenti… (cont) h ...
Cenk?!? . . . is that his name, or did he get hit in the head with one? #tcot
RT @BrentTeichman: *snort* --> RT @secupp: Non-essential workers unite? #ifgovernmentshutsdown . . . #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc #ofa
RT @longhawl: RT @HeyTammyBruce: #Obama. Jerk. Today's gas prices in L.A. http://twitpic.com/4hre7y #tcot #hhrs #sgp #news #la #p2
RT @commonpatriot via @canadafreepress @MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Plays Defense for #GE ‘Tax Cheats’ http://bit.ly/e91EM9 #tcot #news #p2
RT @beachkatie: United To Destroy America: Will Unions Cripple the Private Sector? http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpg&mpid=84&load=5180 A Mus ...
RT @StuntMidget: RT@AlinskyDefeater: Barack Obama: Closing down Gitmo every year since 2009. #ocra #tcot #p2 #topprogs
RT @GuitarHero1965: ‘Major’ Criminals Trying to Enter U.S. Through Legal Entry Points Have 60-70 Percent Chance of Avoiding Arrest http ...
RT @pinnie99 @jjauthor: As Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac continue to fail, politically connected management get paid millions! #tcot #p2 #news
RT @GuitarHero1965: Hyped US Unemployment Numbers Despicable Lies, Delusional Economic Recovery http://goo.gl/d3uY6 real unemployment n ...
RT @lonelycon #tcot Hey_Guess Who's Benefiting from the #Obamacare Early Retirement Slush Fund? #WaPo & #CBS! http://bit.ly/fnmxik #news #p2
RT @slicedsky: Video: Rep. Mike Honda (D-Super Genius) Claims Bush Left Obama With $8 Trillion Deficit… http://goo.gl/JPuy4 #tcot #tlot
RT @AlwayzSusan: RT @teacherspets: Two George Soros Events Aim to Remake Financial Order and Media -- So Where's the Reporting? http:// ...
RT @nansen: RT @DanRiehl: @nansen Pizza? Guess they haven't gotten the WH memo on proper diet for Marxists. #wcot #waleg
We have to shut the Government down . . . so we can find out what's in it. __ #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @JonRHansen: RT @rss_fox #foxnews #ACORN pleads guilty in #Nevada #votefraud case... http://bit.ly/dPoezH #tcot #Obama #news #p2
RT @slicedsky Uh-Oh_shhh_dont tell the msm~ #Obama’s Close Friend Arrested in #Prostitution Sting http://goo.gl/KmsD8 #tcot #p2 #tlot #news
RT @FederalistNo2: RT @yeeheecom: Wisconsin City Caught Destroying Ballots #wiunion #voterfraud #tcot #gop #teaparty #consnc http://bit. ...
RT @DanRiehl: RT @desertgardens: Fox Phoenix: 2 Suspects Arrested After Girl Thrown From Car http://tinyurl.com/3bts37h One is an il ...
RT @VictoriaCoates “@GayPatriot @MPOTheHill: Biden meeting tomorrow w/ Sen. Lindsey Graham. // DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!!!” #tcot #teaparty
RT @nathanmartin: RT @rsmccain: @THEHermanCain Because his campaign staff won't barf in your yard! #tcot http://tinyurl.com/3bm555f
RT @WooHooYoo: RT @FoundersCompass: RT @jamestharris: Breaking! 500 - 600 votes may have been found for Prosser. Reliable source.
RT @beachkatie: John Fund: Irregularities in the WI election, recount may resemble Florida in 2000 (Update: Ballot shredding?): http://b ...
RT @JohnJ2427: MT @RachaelJ83 If your state doesn't have voter I.d. I suggest you call your legislature and demand they pass a bill http ...
MT @ReaganStyle I think it will teach us a lesson if it happened. I think Boehner is about to cave in ~can you Speaker West?!? #tcot
MT @ReaganStyle I think it will teach us a lesson if it happened. I think Boehner is about to cave in ~can you 'say' Speaker West?!? #tcot
RT @Kriskxx: RUSH responds to Leftist "You can't just keep blaming everything generically on the Democrat Party.' Sorry. If the shoe fit ...
RT @Snarky_Basterd: It was always that way. RT @Architekt010: RT @AlinskyDefeater: 'Hope and Change' has devolved into "Lie and Blame". ...
RT @PJTatler: YouTube in big revamp http://bit.ly/eYQkg6 #tcot
RT @vermontaigne: At least 40 bodies found on Mexico ranch: official
(AFP) http://feedly.com/k/fLe32S | US border, J-Nap
RT @AlinskyDefeater: Only a Liberal could believe that a country 234 years old created the violence that's been in a religion for over 1 ...
RT @FTWes: Let's be honest. The majority of gov't workers worried about the shutdown are just worried their irrelevance will be noticed.
RT @fuzislippers: False Flag Tea Party Candidate in NY-26? http://bit.ly/eZXiPH /we have to watch for these leftists trying to ride the ...
RT @FloppingAces: The Hypocritical Democrats & The Libyan “Rebels”:
I find this hilarious:
Libyan rebels regained ground in a new... ht ...
RT @griffinrc PAPER: Push For #Green Energy Stokes Hunger Fears, Political Instability http://bit.ly/eJOjuY #tcot #news #ethanol #food #tlot
RT @mrjc1: don't worry, liberals. Obama's flow of arugula and Kobe beef will continue in spite of a Federal govt. shutdown. #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @Kriskxx windmills kills 1/2 billion birds & bats (heard on talk radio, today)- #Green #tcot #news #ethanol #food #tlot hey #PETA!! #p2
RT @MEEchelleO: Mm,mm,mm!
Four dollar gasoline
Barack Hussein Obama
Hopey Dopey Changey
#p21 #p2 #p3 #sg ...
RT @IDFSpokesperson: Israeli Air Forces targets smuggling & terror tunnels in the Gaza Strip- http://ow.ly/4uMc8
RT @FlaKen4321: Rest Assured, Obama is still full of it. #tcot
RT @KOSMOSNET: KOSMOSNET - Fox News Poll: Qaddafi Seen as More Committed than Obama http://tinyurl.com/4yj2ptz
RT @Bellanieve: RT @Cubachi
Allen West: If the government shuts down, it's because of Senate Democrats http://t.co/rF5RGgs #tcot #p2
I'm getting dizzy from all the spin. #tcot
RT @CMDeB Breaking: sense being made on Hardball. (by Mark Halperin) ~I saw glimmers of the same on Charlie Rose_in between cow patties #odd
RT @Heritage: Calorie counts are about to be stuffed down your throat! Would you like a soda or candy bar with that? http://herit.ag/FmV
RT @_AtlasShrugged: New Atlas Shrugged #Movie theaters in AL CA HI KS MS NC OK NY RI TN TX UT WA announced. More to come. http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @southsalem: RT @JoAnneMoretti: LOL. RT.@dcseth @jimgeraghty Same party that fled #WI & IN 2shut down state now say a govt shutdown w ...
RT @indyrallen: RT @imsure Rep. Allen West: Schumer, Reid ‘Have Dug Their Heels In’ Don’t Want To Hear Budget Solutions http://is.gd/3LfwyI
RT @kesgardner: Rasmussen: by 64-24 (that close?), Americans think they're overtaxed. 59% say the public should vote to approve any tax ...
RT @amandacarpenter: Amazing to see the people who hated Sarah Palin for saying "death panels" are quick to use the term "death trap" to ...
RT @stephenkruiser @nikkihaley Get excited! Today, we celebrated a big win for patients & taxpayers! http://bit.ly/hIO4T6 #sctweets #tcot
RT @itsonlywords: I use 5 gallon Home Depot buckets with holes drilled in the bottom for tomatoes; 15" dia pots for peppers; 12" dia pot ...
RT @itsonlywords: @zpetersen I think 1 gal pots would work for lettuce, one per pot.
RT @MelissaTweets: MT @davidhauptmann: ..15 Senate Dems have said they have problems w/ EPA regulating carbon. only 4 vote to stop it? h ...
RT @WSJopinion: The Ryan Resolution: The most serious attempt to reform government in a generation. http://on.wsj.com/ifwHuZ
RT @tnfiredup: Traditional Americans/Tea Partiers/912er's, all-Hold fast, keep pressure on & continue 2 change politics-No compromising!
RT @Senate_GOPs: RT @RoyBlunt: Proud to vote to repeal 1099 mandate today, which is first major step toward dismantling #ObamaCare.
RT @tnfiredup: WOO HOO-love this response re: Islam & Sharia law in US-GO CAIN! http://youtu.be/aDXCwd65R5o Time 2 stand our ground!
RT @pauline_ma: @SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader Don't fear MSM. They had power in 1996 now we have @foxnews for the truth. #tcot
RT @AlieGirl7: Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. ~
Ron ...
RT @TheNewsBlotter @BrianRoss #FBI Director Says US 'On Guard' Against Possible #Libya #Terror Attacks http://is.gd/FHl31l #news #tcot #mil
RT @DIY_Home_Tips: DIY Home Tips"Tips On Ceramic Floor Tiles" http://su.pr/1YqPIR #diy #home #home improvement #do it yourself #carpets ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Thnx @moeursalen for RT! re: #Libya: http://bit.ly/eEChT1 al-Qaeda ‘receive looted Libyan weapons’ #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp ...
If you buy at 1st blush, everything you hear about a #Palin, please, grow up a little. #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tsot
RT @opphoto: #Gold hits record high of $1,458.50; #Silver at a 39 year high of $39.48 an ounce. $$ #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @PatriotsUSA: #Gold hits all-time high again in anticipation of #obama - carter #inflation http://reut.rs/dOrZf5 #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @KatiePavlich: hey peeps, this is pretty darn important http://ow.ly/4uHRx #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @TPO_Hisself: If we are going to sweep the bums out of office in NOV, we need to start registering voters now!! http://is.gd/bEXOL #tcot
RT @SarahPalinLinks: (via US4Palin) Horror: Bristol Palin Earns Honest Money for Honest Work http://bit.ly/eMjJnb @sarahpalinusa
RT @Jenevalynne: @rsmccain not yet, recount, and lots of investigating already begun.,...
RT @USAHipster: Glenn Beck: Interesting how Socialists push away Christians yet align with Muslims. You Betcha! #tcot #p2
RT @ladynchesapeake: #p2 types are idiots. Fox didn't FIRE #GlennBeck.They are becoming partners w/him. He will have more freedom. http: ...
RT @jamiedupree: Senate votes 100-0 to block federal unemployment benefits to people who make more than a million dollars a year
RT @kesgardner: Ryan: "Americans are ready for honest talk, they're ready to be spoken to like adults, they're ready for a fact based co ...
RT @fluchtling: Alan Grayson scare tactics is all #Dems got - "#GOP starve & kill poor, elderly, & children" Same 'ol pathetic chant get ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @BreakingNews FAA to review standards for older aircraft after fuselage tear in Southwest Airlines jet - latimes ...
RT @GenRachel: Fox is changing slowly into 'election' mode. Quite evident. Are you all ready? Cuz my friends.. we are there.. And our no ...
I dont see what the Left is crowing so much about @GlennBeck, now he'll have more time to get good people elected #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @terraM: Oh crap. Why did I get on 285? ..... errrrrr, prolly coz yer tweetin ...... jus maybe..... ;-)
RT @kesgardner: @KY_Headhuntr I know. The large percentage of Americans who don't pay fed income taxes is a huge fiscal, moral, & politi ...
RT @stacyhyatt: RT @owendbanks: Everybody tweet @NancyPelosi and ask her if gas prices are high now because we have two oil men in the w ...
RT @MelissaTweets: 204 Votes. Fraud? Noooooo. #Wi http://bit.ly/heLc8l #news #wisconsin #tcot #truethevote #wigop
RT @PajamasMedia @PJTatler [VIDEO] John Fund: Recount in #WI may resemble Florida in 2000 http://bit.ly/f7C7gf #tcot plz RT #news #wisconsin
RT @activistnews: Obama on high gas prices: Get used to them... http://yhoo.it/e7tp5L
RT @OBAMA_CZAR: #Obama's weakness makes his liberal domestic policies more vulnerable than they otherwise would be. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc
RT @jolene_blalock: #tcot Pawlenty Exploratory Committee Consultant Arrested for Doing a Little Too Much Exploring http://ow.ly/1c4lBx
RT @DanRiehl @instapundit SHREDDING BALLOTS IN #WISCONSIN? If true, this is a big deal http://bit.ly/hn26Ff #news #tcot #truethevote #wigop
not so fast, #progstains.. SHREDDING BALLOTS IN #WISCONSIN? If true, this is a big deal http://bit.ly/hn26Ff #news #tcot #truethevote #wigop
@terraM just messin w/ya....
@stagestop not so fast, #progstains ~SHREDDING VOTES IN #WISCONSIN? If true_this is a big deal http://bit.ly/hn26Ff #news #tcot #p2 #wigop
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin to Appear in Point Clear, Alabama on May 3rd http://bit.ly/eY5z6t #tcot #palin
RT @Kriskxx: Ann Coulter 4 yrs, Dems have bn using taxpayer $$ so that their buddies in public sector unions nevr have 2 know when thr's ...
RT @kesgardner: Developing LSM narrative will blame shutdown on the "tea party." Not the Dems who didn't pass a budget when THEY contro ...
RT @gadsdenista: God bless! RT @AFWife32: @GarySinise Please ReTweet , it's my birthday and my husband is deployed! Help make a lonely A ...
RT @terresamonroe: #g8m Frances Piven and SEIU’s Steve Lerner, Working Together to Recruit Youth at National Teach in http://is.gd/uQwumd
#beckreplacements . . . @andrewbreitbart & any progressive standing in line at a Starbucks #tcot #teaparty
RT @BobbyDank: Majority of iFund startups now also developing for Android http://bit.ly/fUk5b6 #apple #mac
RT @debster7301: RT @foxnation: Wisconsin Voter Fraud Haunts Razor-Thin Supreme Court Election http://bit.ly/gS2lRJ
RT @Kriskxx: Sickest patients neglected as doctors focus on waiting list targets / http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ #tcot #p2 coming #obamaca ...
RT @OneVeritas: RT @jmattbarber: Did Obama 'miss' 1 year of Columbia classes?: Discrepancy appears in sparse records documenti… (cont) h ...
Cenk?!? . . . is that his name, or did he get hit in the head with one? #tcot
RT @BrentTeichman: *snort* --> RT @secupp: Non-essential workers unite? #ifgovernmentshutsdown . . . #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc #ofa
RT @longhawl: RT @HeyTammyBruce: #Obama. Jerk. Today's gas prices in L.A. http://twitpic.com/4hre7y #tcot #hhrs #sgp #news #la #p2
RT @commonpatriot via @canadafreepress @MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Plays Defense for #GE ‘Tax Cheats’ http://bit.ly/e91EM9 #tcot #news #p2
RT @beachkatie: United To Destroy America: Will Unions Cripple the Private Sector? http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpg&mpid=84&load=5180 A Mus ...
RT @StuntMidget: RT@AlinskyDefeater: Barack Obama: Closing down Gitmo every year since 2009. #ocra #tcot #p2 #topprogs
RT @GuitarHero1965: ‘Major’ Criminals Trying to Enter U.S. Through Legal Entry Points Have 60-70 Percent Chance of Avoiding Arrest http ...
RT @pinnie99 @jjauthor: As Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac continue to fail, politically connected management get paid millions! #tcot #p2 #news
RT @GuitarHero1965: Hyped US Unemployment Numbers Despicable Lies, Delusional Economic Recovery http://goo.gl/d3uY6 real unemployment n ...
RT @lonelycon #tcot Hey_Guess Who's Benefiting from the #Obamacare Early Retirement Slush Fund? #WaPo & #CBS! http://bit.ly/fnmxik #news #p2
RT @slicedsky: Video: Rep. Mike Honda (D-Super Genius) Claims Bush Left Obama With $8 Trillion Deficit… http://goo.gl/JPuy4 #tcot #tlot
RT @AlwayzSusan: RT @teacherspets: Two George Soros Events Aim to Remake Financial Order and Media -- So Where's the Reporting? http:// ...
RT @nansen: RT @DanRiehl: @nansen Pizza? Guess they haven't gotten the WH memo on proper diet for Marxists. #wcot #waleg
We have to shut the Government down . . . so we can find out what's in it. __ #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @JonRHansen: RT @rss_fox #foxnews #ACORN pleads guilty in #Nevada #votefraud case... http://bit.ly/dPoezH #tcot #Obama #news #p2
RT @slicedsky Uh-Oh_shhh_dont tell the msm~ #Obama’s Close Friend Arrested in #Prostitution Sting http://goo.gl/KmsD8 #tcot #p2 #tlot #news
RT @FederalistNo2: RT @yeeheecom: Wisconsin City Caught Destroying Ballots #wiunion #voterfraud #tcot #gop #teaparty #consnc http://bit. ...
RT @DanRiehl: RT @desertgardens: Fox Phoenix: 2 Suspects Arrested After Girl Thrown From Car http://tinyurl.com/3bts37h One is an il ...
RT @VictoriaCoates “@GayPatriot @MPOTheHill: Biden meeting tomorrow w/ Sen. Lindsey Graham. // DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!!!” #tcot #teaparty
RT @nathanmartin: RT @rsmccain: @THEHermanCain Because his campaign staff won't barf in your yard! #tcot http://tinyurl.com/3bm555f
RT @WooHooYoo: RT @FoundersCompass: RT @jamestharris: Breaking! 500 - 600 votes may have been found for Prosser. Reliable source.
RT @beachkatie: John Fund: Irregularities in the WI election, recount may resemble Florida in 2000 (Update: Ballot shredding?): http://b ...
RT @JohnJ2427: MT @RachaelJ83 If your state doesn't have voter I.d. I suggest you call your legislature and demand they pass a bill http ...
MT @ReaganStyle I think it will teach us a lesson if it happened. I think Boehner is about to cave in ~can you Speaker West?!? #tcot
MT @ReaganStyle I think it will teach us a lesson if it happened. I think Boehner is about to cave in ~can you 'say' Speaker West?!? #tcot
RT @Kriskxx: RUSH responds to Leftist "You can't just keep blaming everything generically on the Democrat Party.' Sorry. If the shoe fit ...
RT @Snarky_Basterd: It was always that way. RT @Architekt010: RT @AlinskyDefeater: 'Hope and Change' has devolved into "Lie and Blame". ...
RT @PJTatler: YouTube in big revamp http://bit.ly/eYQkg6 #tcot
RT @vermontaigne: At least 40 bodies found on Mexico ranch: official
(AFP) http://feedly.com/k/fLe32S | US border, J-Nap
RT @AlinskyDefeater: Only a Liberal could believe that a country 234 years old created the violence that's been in a religion for over 1 ...
RT @FTWes: Let's be honest. The majority of gov't workers worried about the shutdown are just worried their irrelevance will be noticed.
RT @fuzislippers: False Flag Tea Party Candidate in NY-26? http://bit.ly/eZXiPH /we have to watch for these leftists trying to ride the ...
RT @FloppingAces: The Hypocritical Democrats & The Libyan “Rebels”:
I find this hilarious:
Libyan rebels regained ground in a new... ht ...
RT @griffinrc PAPER: Push For #Green Energy Stokes Hunger Fears, Political Instability http://bit.ly/eJOjuY #tcot #news #ethanol #food #tlot
RT @mrjc1: don't worry, liberals. Obama's flow of arugula and Kobe beef will continue in spite of a Federal govt. shutdown. #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @Kriskxx windmills kills 1/2 billion birds & bats (heard on talk radio, today)- #Green #tcot #news #ethanol #food #tlot hey #PETA!! #p2
RT @MEEchelleO: Mm,mm,mm!
Four dollar gasoline
Barack Hussein Obama
Hopey Dopey Changey
#p21 #p2 #p3 #sg ...
RT @IDFSpokesperson: Israeli Air Forces targets smuggling & terror tunnels in the Gaza Strip- http://ow.ly/4uMc8
RT @FlaKen4321: Rest Assured, Obama is still full of it. #tcot
RT @KOSMOSNET: KOSMOSNET - Fox News Poll: Qaddafi Seen as More Committed than Obama http://tinyurl.com/4yj2ptz
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